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The Best of...

Western and Chinese Herbal Traditions. 

Orthomolecular Nutrients, Essential Oils. 

Densely Active.  Science Meets Tradition.

Synthesis Defined

Synthesis is the combination of multiple ideas to form a new unified system or theory.  Synthesis is the combining of different pieces into a new whole.  Synthesis Naturals products combine the "best of" herbal concepts from multiple traditions to achieve maximum benefit.  Herbal benefits are enhanced by nutrients, essential oils and even the specific selection of optimal carrier oils.  


The Concept

The "Best Of"

Most Synthesis Naturals products include herbs from both the western and Chinese herb traditions as well as nutrients, specialty oils and essential oils that are all focused on achieving maximum benefit.  Formulation begins with lists of the top 5-10 herbs, nutrients and essential oils for target activity.  Herbs are chosen for water or oil extraction to optimize the presence of active constituents.  Ingredients are selected based on peer reviewed research where possible and established herbal traditions where research is not yet available.  

Densely Active

Many other herbal creams and topicals are created by adding a small amount of an herbal extract to an existing base formula.  In the case of a cream, you end up with a product that is mostly water, oil and emulsifier, with only a tiny bit of actual active herb.  With Synthesis Naturals products, every part that can be active is active.  The water and oil components are both herbal extracts so that our products have more than double the amount of herbal actives than most other products.  As much as possible, each formula is designed so that nearly every ingredient is beneficial (and if not they are necessary for the delivery or preservation of the actives).

herbs and pestel.jpg

The Founder

Hi! I'm Dr. Becky Andrews. I am a naturopathic pysician, acupuncturist, herbalist, bodyworker, gardener, cook, permaculture designer and avid mixologist.  I have studied many herbal traditions and with many herbal teachers.  I am a graduate (and former faculty member) of Bastyr University and AOMA School for Integrative Medicine. I have been creating custom herbal formulations for 25 years.  


I have always loved using herbs in the healing process. It feels like therapeutic art.  I have often been frustrated by the lack of products that provided complete formulas.  As a clinician I often had people buying multiple products and mixing them together (plus adding herbal infustions of their own) to get the combinations that we really wanted.  The idea of this product line has been incubating in my imagination for many years.  I am happy to finally be making them available for you.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What's up with the crazy colors?  What makes the Wonder Salve and Wonder Balm red?

A: The colors of the products are 100% herbal.  The red color in the Wonder Salve and lip balm is from a Chinese herb called zi cao (Arnebia).  It is a root with dark purple pigment, that comes out garnet red when you extract it in oil.  The blue/green in the Rad Cream is from the combination of flavonoids in sea buckthorn oil (orange carotenoids) and Blue Magic spirulina (blue anthocyanins). The slight orange color of the Last Nerve cream is from the capsaicin (deep orange red).  All of these ingredients were chosen for their action, and the amazing colors are just a neat bonus.  


Q: Do these products need to be refrigerated?

A: Refrigeration will significantly extend the shelf life of any cosmetic product.  All of the topical products by Synthesis Naturals tolerate refrigeration, and refrigeration will certainly extend the shelf life.  Refrigeration should not be necessary if the product is used in the first 6-9 months from the date of manufacture. 


Q: Why are there ingredients that sound like terrifying chemicals?

A: As mentioned on the home page: water + herbs = rot.  It requires serious preservatives to create products this herbally dense that contain water and are shelf stable for more than a few days. (Think about what would happen if you left herbal tea out on the counter for a week). I would like for these beautiful, complex products to make it to you without mold growing in them, so that means using real preservatives. 


I spent a lot of time learning about preservatives and checking for safety / green status.  My goal is to make products that have a shelf life of more than 1 year, so there is time for me to make them, have them in inventory, ship them to you, you have them in invetory, and then they are still good for a year or so once your customers have purchased them (all without needing refrigeration). Currently shelf life is well in excess of 2 years, longer if products are refrigerated.  Products that don't contain water (salves, lip balms) maintain good shelf life with natural preservatives. No water = no rot.


Q: Why did the groovy slider tins of Wonder Salve disappear?

A: Yes, I agree, they were groovy.  The real answer is that I started out in Texas, and it is HOT there the majority of the year.  Having a container that does not seal filled with a product that melts, resulted in some messy purses and pockets.  Should SN relocate to the PNW or Alaska, I'll probably bring those groovy sliders back. 


Q: Are your products GMP? 

A: Not fully.  As a self-funded startup, these products are being made in a  "cottage industry" style as hand made, small batch cosmetics.  I am following GMP guidelines as much as possible.  Surfaces and equipment are sanitized, gloves are worn, care is taken with storage and preparation.  Formulations and production processes are standardized and tracked.  

*Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) are not licensed physicians in all states*

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"Dr. Becky is the most compassionate, articulate, and professional caregiver I have ever encountered. It is without hesitation that I would refer potential patients to seek her understanding care. â€‹."



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