Your personal health detective
Finally a healthcare professional that will listen to your whole story
Not to be alarmist, but chemicals are everywhere. Many people are unaware of the vast number of chemical exposures they have daily. These chemicals impact our immune systems, nervous systems and hormones. They can cause autoimmune diseases, learning disabilities, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The first step is knowing what is out there so you can minimize your exposure. These are some of the best sites for finding out more.
Very useful tools to find out what chemicals are in your food, cosmetics, water, air. Consumer funded so no industry bias (though lots of attacks by industry for providing information about health risks to the public)
TEDX Endocrine Disruption Exchange
Non-profit research institute focused on collating and disseminating information about endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the environment
Environmental Protection Agency (The EPA)
Federal agency tasked with monitoring and regulating toxic chemicals in the environment.
Air pollution (indoor and outdoor) education
Primarily focused on chemicals that affect hormones
Ancient website design, but the information is important, researched and up to date
Digest of news about chemicals in the environment
Environmental Health Perspectives
Peer reviewed journal on environmental chemical impact on health
Books and Documentaries
An Alternative Approach to Allergies by Theron Randolph MD and Ralph Moss PhD (1980)
Environmental Medicine- Beginnings and Bibilographies of Clinical Ecology by Theron Randolph MD (1987)
Our Stolen Future by Theo Colborn (1997)
Clean, Green, and Lean by Walter Crinnion ND (2010)
The Body Toxic by Nena Baker (2008)
Our Toxic Legacy by Beatrice Trum Hunter (2011)
Slow Death by Rubber Duck by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie (2010)
Moldy: documentary by Dave Asprey
Chermerical (2009)
Toxic Soup (2010)
Our Chemical Lives (2015)
Stink! (2015)
The Human Experiment (2013)